The top firms in this category are: EY-Parthenon, Strategy&, Kearney, LEK, Oliver Wyman, and Roland Berger. "Their consistency, approachability, and willingness to adapt impressed us. While the firm offers a wide range of consulting services, it is best known for its work within banking and financial services. Based on nominations and our further proprietary research, we have selected the 50 best firms. Founded in 1965, CRA offers economic, financial, and strategic expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting firms, and governments around the world. In 2021, Keystone was recognized as a top consulting firm to work for in Vault's 2021 Consulting Firm Rankings. It was named the #13 Best Consulting Firm, #4 Best Boutique Consulting Firm, and #1 for Best Firm Culture. Development Consulting We work across a broad spectrum of areas - such as energy, water, fund management, and rural and economic development - to build capacity and create sustainable development solutions for a better, more equal and stable world. By the latest reckonings, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is the largest and most valuable IT services provider in the world. The firm has more than 500 employees across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Ecorys 11 . Kaiser Associates was founded as a spin-off from Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman) by Michael Kaiser and is now based both in Washington D.C., and London, with a third office in So Paulo. The firm offers tailored solutions to a broad range of publicly- and privately-held organizations across a wide range of industries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations. Leveraging their deep research capabilities and insights, consulting firms are adept in creating thought leadership. Functioning as an expansive network of member firms, EYs 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 team members in more than 150 countries. Along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG, PwC is recognized for being one of the Big Four accounting firms. EY Advisory 8. Top 50 Parking Structure Architecture + AE Firms for 2022. While once it. The Chartis Group consists of more than 550 talented professionals across four offices in Boston, Chicago, New York, and San Francisco with the experience and capabilities required to transform healthcare. was awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise for international trade and export. With the ever-changing business dynamics and fast-paced digitalization, marketing consulting firms are the ones that help businesses steer through changes successfully. In addition, Human Rights Watch has consistently named it one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality. Moreover, the firm has its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles River Associates (CRA) is a global consulting firm specializing in management consulting and economic litigation. Focusing on sustainable solutions for fundraising and donor stewardship, this fundraising consulting firm creates a roadmap for long-term relationship building and nonprofit growth. Over the years, CSG has attracted many of the most respected senior experts in the government programs they serve. Based on all evaluations, a ranking of the top performing consulting firms was created. Headquarters: Morrisville, NC. What they do: With over 1,000 professionals spanning 14 offices worldwide, Analysis Group ranks as one of the world's largest economic consulting firms. It operates as an extensive network of firms in 145 countries with an employee base of more than 236,000. Deloitte 3. Among its clients, CRA counts a large number of Fortune 500 companies and Am Law 100 firms. It has consistently been the #1 most valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches. It is one of the largest professional services networks in the world, with annual aggregated revenue nearing $50 billion, and the firm is highly respected for its forecasts regarding the world of technology and work. Boutique strategy consulting firm Kaiser Associates was founded in 1981 with a basic but perceptive mission of helping executives follow through on informed strategic and operational decisions by incorporating external insight and analysis. The following year, L.E.K. Headquarters: Boston, MA. Atos Consulting 9. Willis Towers Watson (now called WTW) is the third largest insurance broker in the world, operates in more than 140 countries, and has a workforce of more than 45,000 employees. Today, it's known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan. With the consultation of Huron, clients have been empowered to improve performance, resolve disputes, leverage technology, comply with complex regulations, recover from distress, and stimulate expeditious growth. Formed in 1972, Pentagram is a privately owned international multi-disciplinary design consultancy. The firm, which gets a significant portion of its revenue from the U.S. government, is the result of the 2020 merger between the aerospace subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation and the Raytheon Company. First originated as The Parthenon Group, LLC in 1991 by William "Bill" Achtmeyer and John C. Rutherford, two former Bain & Company directors, it eventually merged with professional services firm Ernst & Young to create the entity EY-Parthenon. I arrived in Hong Kong in 1994 on a one-way ticket, and I have lived and worked internationally ever since. Nonetheless, their projects are smaller than MBB, about the same as Tier 2 firms Accenture has a reach that spans clients in 120 countries. Among the firms many awards, Booz Allen is a three-time honoree of the Worlds Most Ethical Companies award from the Ethisphere Institute. Headquarters: Boston, MA. Kearney is a partner-owned firm with a distinctive, collegial culture that transcends organizational and geographic boundariesand it shows. Headquarters: Boston, MA. KPMG Advisory 7. CVC Capital Partners, to which Teneo sold a majority stake in 2019 at a total valuation of around $700 million, has described Teneo's core service as "providing strategic and communications services, which covers a wide array of engagements such as customer communications, crisis management, investor relations, digital and social media consulting, executive recruitment, and litigation management.". Headquarters: Chicago, IL. 24. Crowe is driven by a workforce of more than 4,400 professionals and experts, and has been recognized by Fortunes 100 Best Companies To Work For list. The firm and its subsidiaries also help clients make decisions that lead to lasting value with its tax, advisory, and consulting services. We are committed to providing quality solutions to the challenges of sustainable economic, social and environmental development. Helping achieve global climate and clean energy goals, The green, resilient, and inclusive approach to infrastructure design, How to catalyze green cities in developing countries, Senior Vice President, Climate and Clean Energy + ICF Climate Center Senior Fellow, Senior Vice President, International Health and Development, Senior Vice President, Energy and International Development, Vice President, International Health and Development, Technical Director, Urban Development and Resilience, Senior Vice President, Business Development. CSG works with its clients collaboratively to deliver results. Visit Site. 28. It is distinguished by the clarity of its insights and the credibility of its experts, which include leading international academics and industry specialists. See how we help fast-changing industries succeed. Huron Consulting Group. The "doing what is right" credo permeates its firm culture, leading Kenway to continually be included in the top ranks of best companies for work-life balance listings. ClearView combines international industry knowledge and deep scientific expertise across a range of therapeutic areas with an extensive network of external stakeholders to deliver practical and actionable recommendations. 2016 Ranking: Top 6 Best Economic Consulting Firms Boston Consulting Group Review Helping companies prepare for the next economic downturn, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a top economic consulting firm founded in 1963 to help companies seize competitive advantage and bring about change through bold, new ideas. Headquarters: Chicago, IL. In fact, it serves more than 80% of the worlds largest 100 financial institutions and in 2021 it reported $2.5 billion in annual revenue. Please select, if appropriate, the following options: 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If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click, Switch to accept or reject the category Other content, Switch to accept or reject the service Twitter, Angermeier&Partner International Development (Germany), Arup International Development (International), Canadian Leaders in International Consulting (Canada), DevPar Financial Consulting Ltd. (Canada), Institute for Sustainable Communities (US), International Development Opportunities (Switzerland), INTRAC - International NGO Training & Research Centre (UK), Land o' Lakes International Development (US), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / 2030 Agenda. With an eye toward innovating for the next generation of tech, Publicis Sapient brings to the table a comprehensive array of IT services in enterprise platforms, digital product management, customer experience, and more. For this reason, the European Court of Justice has issued a judgment by which it invalidated the previous adequacy decision. Named for its founder, the firm pioneered the concept of contracted professional services and played a key role in the development of the word processor, the first synthetic penicillin, LexisNexis, SABRE, and NASDAQ. 4. Certain industries require especially high degrees of accuracy and security, and the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the firm trusted most by governments and other entities with IT support for sensitive, high-end missions. It is often the first firm mentioned when industry experts discuss the Big Four accounting firms, keeping competitive pace with its rivals Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC. A global management consulting and professional services firm that provides strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations services, with reported net revenues of $40 billion approx. Furthermore, the RPS segment provides tailored solutions for customers commercial, government, and military who are not just based in the U.S., but rather located across the globe. Pharma consultancy Putnam Associates rebranded Putnam last year made headlines in 2019 when it was acquired by healthcare giant UDG in an $88 million deal, which has allowed Putnam to strengthen its foothold in the rapidly expanding life sciences industry. Booz Allen has been consistently recognized as an industry-leader in corporate citizenship, employee empowerment, and executive leadership. 3 Things Consulting Firms Actually Look for in Your Application We are sharing our powerful strategies to get your foot in the door, even if you have a low GPA, have little to no business experience, or study a non-business-related major. Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities. Our rigorous analysis and broad experience help our clients focus their . Brolik 20. kovald Digital Marketing Strategies 21. The top consulting companies include brands like Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, EY, Accenture, IBM, BCG, Booz Allen etc. The industry has grown at 3-4% on average since then. The top Public Sector consulting firms in the world list presents the globe's leading consultancy firms in the sector, based on's unique database of more than 10 million data points per year of clients and consultants, including expertise and consultancy projects delivered in the . The challenges of sustainable economic, social and environmental development this fundraising consulting firm, willingness! Solutions for fundraising and donor stewardship, this fundraising consulting firm creates a roadmap for long-term relationship and. Range of consulting services, it 's known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan 236,000! Operates as an expansive network of member firms, EYs 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 members! It one of the most respected senior experts in the world & quot their! 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